

Train for Strength, Performance & Aesthetics 


Welcome to DalatiFit!

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I Believe That The OPTIMAL Body is A Combination Of

  • Aesthetics
  • Performance
  • Strength & Control

I’ve helped 1000+ individuals across the world achieve their optimal body, and now it’s your turn!

Programs you'll get

Firstly, Is your goal to 

If you answered Yes to any of these questions then this is the program for you!

What You’ll Get:

What people think!

Coaching community

Get 1 0n 1 Coaching from Pierre

Nutrition Guides

Learn how to split your meals in order to eat WHAT you want WHEN you want WHILE STILL achieving your fitness goals.


Meet Pierre Dalati

My name is Pierre Dalati and I love working out to feel good physically and mentally… but it wasn’t always that way. 

When I was 15 years old I got my first gym membership at the YMCA, and believe it or not I didn’t enjoy going to the gym at all and ended quitting after a few weeks. To me, going to the gym and working out with the same machines was boring (and you might be feeling the same way).

Fast forward a year to the summer of 2017, I’m 16 years old and decided to sign up for a gym membership and give it another go. This time around, I wanted to find motivation so that I stay consistent while working out. For the first 3 weeks, it was hard, I would have to push myself to go to the gym every day and to do my workouts although I didn’t really want to. I knew I couldn’t continue this way and that I’d end up quitting like I did the year before if I didn’t find a solution. 

Eventually, I realized that as humans we have the desire to do things that we enjoy and that make us happy. So I used that same concept towards working out. 

One day I saw a guy at my gym doing handstand push-ups, and it clicked! “That’s what I want to do”

That’s when I came across calisthenics and bodyweight training. Being able to take my body’s potential to the next level. Doing handstand push-ups, backflips, etc… that’s the type of athleticism I wanted! 

Ever since then, I love working out. I see my body as a vessel that can be upgraded continuously and that has unlimited potential!

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